
  • home

  • Here we host many of the best resources on Ron Paul's teachings and causes.
  • Media

  • Ron Paul Liberty Report
  • Ron Paul at Libertarian National Convention May 26, 2024
  • Congressional Farewell Address Nov 14, 2012
  • UC Davis Rally 2012
  • Money, Banking and the Federal Reserve documentary by Mises Institute
  • House Financial Services Subcommittee on Domestic Monetary Policy
  • Institutions

  • Ron Paul Institute for peace and prosperity
  • Austrian economics, freedom and peace
  • The Foundation for Rational Economics and Education
  • Literature

  • The Revolution: A Manifesto
  • End The Fed
  • Articles

  • Politico: Ron Paul's Revenge
  • RP's connection to cryptocurrency


  • Congressman Paul, what sacrifices would you ask Americans to make for debt reduction?

  • REP. PAUL: I think it's absolutely unnecessary to sacrifice. We want to give people more freedom, more chance to spend their own money. It's unnecessary.

  • Dec 12, 2007 Republican Presidential Debate